And What Does BuzFind Affordable SEO Include?

What Are SEO Services

What are SEO services, you asked?

SEO or search engine optimization services are professional marketing services offered by an SEO company such as BuzFind to help improve your website’s online visibility and ranking in major search engines such as Google and Bing.

It is paramount that you understand what SEO services are. Without SEO, the chances of your audience and search engines finding your business will be extremely slim, if not impossible.

When it comes to SEO services, you’ll have the option of one-time SEO services or an ongoing search engine optimization campaign.

What Are SEO Services

According to PR Newswire, only 63% of small businesses have invested in SEO, even though SEO offers long-term benefits.

23% of the surveyed U.S. and Canadian small to medium-sized businesses have no plans of investing and creating an SEO campaign in 2022.
These results are shocking from nearly two years of pandemic-related economic disruption and uncertainty for businesses. However, the relatively small sample size is worth noting.

Search interest for food deliveries, healthcare appointments, and home office furnishing sharpened to its highest during the pandemic.

During the early stages of the Coronavirus pandemic, businesses raced to kick-start an SEO campaign to get discovered by customers.

Are you thinking of investing in SEO services? If so, then you first need to understand:

  1. One-time SEO services Vs. On-going SEO
  2. Types of SEO
  3. Benefits of SEO

Then we can talk about what BuzFind SEO services include.

One-Time SEO Services Vs. On-Going SEO

Depending on your marketing needs, BuzFind offers two types of search engine optimization services:

  • One-time SEO
  • On-going SEO

One-time SEO

A one-time SEO (also known as SEO jump-start) provides a newly launched website or business with a starting point. Basic techniques of a one-time SEO campaign are:

  • Meta tag optimization.
  • Page title optimization.
  • Meta description optimization.
  • Directory submission – We never believed in directory submission nor offered this service.

This service has a one-time fee, and the price will vary depending on your business’ niche, site complexity, and SEO goals.

On-going SEO

On-going SEO is continuously  optimizing your website for search engines by implementing SEO best practices and ensuring search engines’ algorithm changes are implemented regularly.

Types Of SEO

Below are the four key types of SEO to help you get started. You can choose any of the below SEO services, a combination, or BuzFind’s affordable SEO, which includes everything you need to improve your business visibility and ranking online.

  1. On-Page SEO – Also known as ‘On-site SEO,’ optimized your on-page SEO elements such as content, title, internal and external links, and so on.
  2. Off-Page SEO – Off-page SEO is the optimization of SEO elements that are not on your website. They include but are not limited to link-building, guest posting, social media optimization, and more.
  3. Local SEO – Local SEO is the process of implementing SEO elements that focus specifically on a geographic area vs. national SEO. If you have a local business, like a hair salon, and only cater to residents of that city, then local SEO (including Google My Business – GMB) is for you.
  4. Technical SEO – Technical SEO looks at your website’s design and overall structure. Technical SEO looks at page speed, mobile-friendly design, site structure, and more.

Benefits of SEO

Now that you know that SEO is essential to any successful marketing strategy, let’s talk about the benefits of SEO – search engine optimization.

1. SEO improves business visibility

SEO, or search engine optimization, improves your small business’s visibility in major search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

2. SEO targets a quality audience

When properly implemented, SEO makes it easy for your audience to find you when they want information or are looking to buy a product you sell.

3. No need to pay for Ads

An SEO campaign with solid marketing techniques equals organic rankings. The organic listing will eliminate the need to pay Google or Bing for the best search results position for any query.

4. You get more clicks with SEO than with PPC.

Did you know that you will get more clicks with SEO than if you had a PPC campaign? 71.33% of searches result in a click on an organic result on the first page.

5. SEO helps you get ahead of your competition

Today, SEO is widely regarded as a staple of any marketing technique. 61% of marketers say that enhancing their SEO and online presence is their top priority.

What BuzFind SEO Services Include

BuzFind professional SEO services include but are not limited to:

SEO Audit

Every SEO campaign has to start with the SEO audit of your existing website. The site audit will help your assigned SEO professional gauge your website’s SEO strengths and weaknesses.

A website audit will also identify as many foundational issues affecting organic search performance as possible.

With an SEO site audit, your assigned BuzFind SEO expert will take an in-depth look at your current strategy. You should regularly perform a website audit even if you don’t have an SEO campaign.

You can use free SEO audit tools for auditing your website. But they won’t replace the insight of a BuzFind professional SEO expert.

Competitor analysis

No matter your industry’s niche, you’ll need to know and understand your competition. Our SEO services include competitor analysis to help you discover your online and offline competitors.

A competitor analysis will allow you to gauge your competitors and take advantage of their SEO strengths and weaknesses. You can create a powerful marketing strategy from the competitor analysis report to help you outrank them.

Custom Vs. Cookie-Cutter SEO Strategy

BuzFind SEO services include custom SEO campaigns tailored to your business. A custom strategy is a core ingredient of the solution of any SEO service. In contrast, a cookie-cutter SEO strategy will deliver copy-and-paste tactics that will fail your marketing campaign and your business.

With a cookie-cutter SEO, your business won’t get the maximum return on investment. Instead, your business will not appear on the first page of Google search results.

That is why your small business must hire an SEO company that offers custom SEO tailored to your business needs.

Off-page optimization

BuzFind SEO services include Off-page optimization.

Off-page SEO is the optimization of SEO factors outside your website that can affect your website’s ranking in major search engine result pages.

Those off-page SEO optimization factors include, but are not limited to:

  • Acquiring backlinks
  • Having a blog linking to a page on your website
  • Offering to write an article for a related and authoritative website
  • Optimize your Google My Business (GMB)
  • Monitor your business’ mention on social media platforms

On-page optimization

BuzFind’s SEO includes on-page optimization.

On-Page SEO is a vital factor in optimizing your website for users and search engines like Google and Bing.

BuzFind’s on-page search engine optimization focuses on optimizing every on-page SEO element, such as:

  • Page title,
  • Headings (H1 – H6),
  • Images optimization,
  • Meta description – Not for ranking but to improve click-through rate,
  • Structured data – Schema,
  • Content,
  • URLs,
  • Anchor text,
  • Page speed,
  • Keyword(s),
  • and more.

Monthly reports

For SEO – Search engine optimization, transparency is essential.

Your ongoing SEO campaign from BuzFind includes receiving a monthly SEO report.

The report will contain critical insights on your SEO marketing strategy and what needs to be tweaked further.

The monthly SEO report will include:

  • Your ranking,
  • List of the search queries your website appeared for in the SERP.
  • Organic traffic,
  • Conversion rate,

The monthly SEO report will help you tweak your SEO strategy further.

Progressive SEO optimization

SEO is not something you can set and forget. Search engine optimization is an ongoing game plan you can’t just stop after seeing the fruits of your effort.

BuzFind SEO services include the advanced optimization of your website. Failing to implement an ongoing SEO campaign will cause your website to have poor visibility and rank badly on Google and Bing.

Your small business needs ongoing SEO optimization because there will always be ways to improve and enhance your SEO strategy and get more from SEO.

Ready to start SEO and receive $100 off SEO a month for one year?

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