WordPress Speed Optimized services by BuzFindAre you looking for WordPress speed optimization services because:

  • You ran a WordPress speed test and just don’t know what to do next to eliminate those site speed bottlenecks
  • You just can’t find your website on Google search results and not sure why
  • You want to reduce your WordPress based website bounce rate

If the answer to any of the above is a Yes, then BuzFind’s WordPress speed optimization will make your WordPress fast again.


Even though we sometime mention “WordPress speed optimization” often, we are actually referring to ‘page speed’, or your WordPress page load time, which is the time it will take for a page to fully load and the content to be displayed.

A slow WordPress page speed will have a negative effect on how many pages search engines can crawl. A slow WordPress speed will result in having fewer pages indexed which will result in poor ranking.

The benefits of a fast WordPress site are as follow:

  • A faster WordPress page will actually rank better in search engine result pages (SERPs)
  • Improve your user experience
  • Will have a better chance of converting your prospects into customers?
  • Improve your page time to first byte (TTFB) – Note that will also require that you have a good hosting company

Plus, Google has stated that site speed (page speed) is one of many ranking signals that it added to its algorithm.


Got a slow WordPress site?

If while shopping online you found a website slow and clicked on the browser’s back button, then it is important that you know your readers or potential customers are no different than you and will take the same action you took and leave your site faster than they came in.

Is that what you want?


A slow WordPress will definitely annoy your targeted audience, including your existing customers so much that it will make push them to go back to wherever they came from and go to your competition instead.


To make the price look sweet and lure you in, some search engine optimization companies, or freelancers will list a plethora of features they include as techniques to speed up your website, even though they’re not part of any website speed optimization techniques.

Our WordPress performance optimization service is not a cookie-cutter service we offer to every client, but a set of steps customized specifically to your WordPress speed needs.

Your dedicated BuzFind site speed expert will offer a set of WordPress best page speed recommendations that will not only make your site fast again, but also reduce your bounce rate and increase conversion.

BuzFind’s WordPress site speed optimization include the following:

  • Performing an SEO audit —When looking at your WordPress speed issue, We’ll not only look at what’s behind the scene, but also on on-page SEO elements
  • We’ll perform a WordPress speed test to pinpoint the problems affecting your page speed
  • Work with your hosting company to Improve TTFB (time to first byte), or recommend the best WordPress hosting company if necessary
  • Enable file compression to reduce the size of your local CSS and JavaScript files
  • Minify then combine your local CSS and JavaScript files
  • Reduce redirect to a minimum
  • Optimize WordPress database
  • Optimize WordPress plugin to improve speed you might have installed
  • Move you to PHP7 (if supported by your hosting)
  • Properly leverage browser caching so your returning visitors’ browser won’t have to load the same files again
  • Optimize images used on your website to further improve your WordPress site speed without quality loss
  • Recommend and implement a content distribution network (CDN) for a faster WordPress site
  • and much much more to mention them all here


We’ve helped speed up many WordPress sites by performing the below processes.

Information Gathering

In order to make your WordPress site achieve optimal speed, we need to better understand the inner layers of your site using BuzFind SEO audit and various speed testing tools to gauge your site speed and pinpoint the underlying causes of your slow WordPress. The speed test tools include but are not limited to:

  • Pingdom page speed for gauging the load speed of every page
  • GTmetrix to analyze your WordPress speed performance
  • YSlow to find out why your page is slow based on Yahoo’s rules

Solution Implementation

Now that we have identified the problems affecting your WordPress speed such as:

  • Plugins misconfiguration
  • Unnecessary installed plugins

Your dedicated WordPress speed expert will share and discus our recommended techniques that need to be implemented in order to eliminate those speed bottlenecks with you.

Once you approve the recommended speed fixes (mentioning just a few below):

  • WordPress database optimization and tweaking
  • Image size compression
  • Divorce your existing hosting (our experience and testing showed that 95% of slow websites were due to cheap hosting and poorly configured server hardware and software)

He/she will start the implementation of the fixes. Then, he/she will run another WordPress speed test and once complete, you’ll be able to see an improved WordPress performance and page load speed.

But there is one last step…

Implementation of CDN

The final step will be to implement a CDN — A CDN, or content delivery network are a group of geographically distributed servers (proxy computers) working together to distribute and deliver content faster.

Implementing a CDN on your WordPress site will allow for quicker transfer of all your site’s assets (files, images, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Videos, etc) to your readers, customers faster, hence improving your WordPress speed even further.

For example, if your business offers a service or product worldwide, your website data center is somewhere in the US but your inquiring customers lives in Europe, then a server located closer to the customer will be in charge of delivering the requested content.

Important note…

Even if your business only targets US customers only, we would still highly recommend the implementation of a CDN.

To learn more about CDN, visit Wikipedia


We were able to improve the speed of many WordPress sites and reduce their page load time from 15 to less than 3 second, and sometimes even further depending on the quality of hosting company.

Important to know…

If you’ve implemented some third party plugins on your WordPress site that sometimes we might not be able to improve its speed because we’ll have no access to the source code of said plugin. If that is the case, then we’ll contact the plugin developer on your behalf and see what it can be done to improve the plugin speed.

However, once we have run our WordPress site speed test and implemented our techniques to speed up each page, you’ll see a speed improvement from 10 or more second, to 3 seconds, if not less.

Below is a screenshot based on this page GTmetrix Performance report. Please note that BuzFind is not a WordPress based website, however, your dedicated WordPress speed optimization professional will be able to achieve similar or better results depending on your hosting company and setup.

BuzFind GTmetrix performance result


We don’t have to tell you we aren’t the only SEO company that can improve your WordPress performance, however, what sets BuzFind apart from the competition are the following:

  • Our WordPress site speed optimization service cost less than what other SEO companies charge
  • We are open 24/7/365 a year – Yes, including the Holidays
  • Our WordPress speed experts are 100% US based




We Speed Up WordPress Sites, For Less!