20+ On-Page SEO Techniques

Are you a small business owner or a blogger looking for do it yourself on-page SEO techniques you can easily implement yourself because you can’t hire a professional SEO company, or a freelancer due to limited resources?

Then this on-page optimization checklist was written just for you!

Why are you here?

You are here because…

  • You’re a small business owner that can’t afford big shot SEO companies
  • You want to improve your ranking and get a big piece of that SEO pie
  • Optimized every on-page SEO element but still haven’t seen the fruits of your hard work
  • Or just looking for a detailed on-page SEO tutorial you can easily implement yourself

What makes this on-page SEO checklist different from the other?

I am not saying every post or on page SEO checklist you read are wrong, but what makes this on-page SEO checklist different from the thousands available on the Internet are the following:

  • I cover every important element of on page SEO others have missed or left out because they believed they’re not important to mention
  • I focus on up to date ethical SEO techniques and not the obsolete ones
  • I detail each element you need to optimize and not just talk about the title tag, SEO friendly URLs and page description
  • And much much more

I want to make one thing very clear…

Don’t confuse this article for a complete on-page SEO Tutorial

Because it is not!

This post is about my recommended time tested and proven search engine optimization techniques that, when properly implemented on every page (or at least the most important ones) and with a little bit of patience, you’ll start seeing every page trending towards the top of Google.

In this post, I’ll be talking about what I believe are key on-page SEO factors that I know can make your users and search engines so happy that they will come back for more.

In this on-page optimization post, I’ll be covering the following important areas I believe will improve your ranking, boost your CTR, plus make your readers or prospect and search engines very happy they stopped by:

  1. Hosting – Choose the right home for your website
  2. SEO Audit – Audit your website and learn about its SEO issues, if any
  3. Responsive Design – Yes, it is an important SEO element especially for mobile users
  4. Schema Markup – Help search engines understand your web page
  5. Page Speed – Nobody likes a slow web page, including search engines
  6. Short URLs – They’re easy to parse
  7. SEO Friendly URLs – Make them short and easy to understand
  8. Keyword in URLs
  9. Page Title – Importance of a well written title tag
  10. Keyword in Page Title – Tell search engine what the page is all about
  11. Copywriting – Craft a compelling and relevant copy
  12. Keyword in Copy – Include main keyword as early as possible
  13. Keyword Spamming – Avoid keyword spamming
  14. Headings (H1 – H6) – Use them often to properly structure and optimize your content
  15. Anchor Text – Write proper Anchor text and use variations
  16. Interlinking – Link your page properly to another relevant page or a blog post
  17. Optimize Images for SEO – Properly name your images
  18. Optimize Images and Page Speed – Optimize every image for speed before you upload them
  19. Image Alt Text and SEO – Think of your visually impaired visitors and search engines
  20. Meta Description and SEO – Don’t forget your meta description
  21. Add Outbound Links to authoritative and relevant sites
  22. Share your Content – Don’t forget share your quality content on social media platform


If by any chance after you’ve implemented our on page SEO techniques but still don’t see any positive result, then we believe our on page SEO services will get you page one on Google search results.

Are you ready for BuzFind’s 20+ Easy to Implement on-page SEO techniques for that perfectly optimized page?

But first, A Fair Warning…

This is a long post, therefore I recommend that you grab a large cup of coffee (Espresso for me…), or one of your preferred drinks before you continue reading and start going through BuzFind easy to implement on page SEO technique and get a perfectly optimized page.

Before I start talking about on page search engine optimization techniques, we first need to understand…


Simply put, On-page SEO, or on-page optimization is a method of implementing ethical on-page SEO techniques to your individual web pages content and HTML source code in order to improve page crawling, indexing and ranking and have the page appear in top position and above your competition in Google search results and of other major search engines.

Without further ado, let’s get this party started!


Due to the lack of SEO campaign resources, many small business owners or bloggers will go for that cheapest web hosting package forgetting that choosing the wrong home, or web hosting company will in fact affect your SEO and ranking in search engines.

Please understand that choosing a good hosting company doesn’t guarantee #1 position on Google, however, it will affect your search engine optimization campaign effort.

Cheap SEO package will give you…

  • Cheap Hardware setup configuration
  • High downtime and low uptime due to problems with the server
  • Outdated software
  • Too many websites on a single server
  • Poor customer support
  • Slow website
  • Poor SEO ranking

The old saying ‘A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned’ doesn’t apply here because if you’re trying to save money on web hosting, then except to pay more in the long run.

At BuzFind, we have a saying about hosting which goes something like…

‘A Penny Saved in Hosting are thousands spent later on’

What to look for in your hosting company

  • Linux based server if you’re going to choose a CMS such as Joomla, WordPress or Magento (depending on the type of website you’re planning to publish)
  • Good hardware setup with SSD and not those old mechanical hard drives
  • The latest Software (MySQL and PHP, plus more) that are updated to the newest releases (versions) whenever it becomes available.
  • High uptime and low downtime – Sometimes things happen when using something created by a human, but just choose a hosting company that will remedy the issue as soon as it has been made aware of
  • Great customer support – It is imperative that when your website is down for some reason and you contact tech support, they investigate and solve the issue in less than an hour
  • Beyond the call of duty – Some cheap hosting will not take the time to help you if the issue is not related to their hardware or software setup. Don’t go with those for they are not worth doing business with


Your website could be riddled with technical and on-page SEO issues and if you’re not aware of them, you can have all the compelling content you want, however, great content will not do you good is the majority of your website, including pages don’t pass search engines’ SEO mustard.

So before you start optimizing every on page SEO element to have a perfectly optimized page, it is important to know what’s illing your website and make it better.

Not sure how to perform an SEO audit for your website?…

BuzFind SEO audit services will help you see basic on-page SEO elements like page titles, keywords and URLs, and find out whether they are optimized following up to date on SEO techniques, and take necessary steps to resolve the page optimization issues the web page might have.


Responsive Desig and On-Page SEOYou can’t expect to have a perfectly optimize web page or website without thinking of responsive design. Because we now live in  mobile-first times, you must make your website responsive and think of it as a must have component in your SEO strategy.

Just in case you were not aware or were living under a rock, Google started penalizing websites that are not mobile friendly, or responsive years ago, and will continue to do so till there is no mobile unfriendly sites on the web.

So no matter how perfectly you’ve implemented your on page SEO optimization elements, if your site is not responsive, then don’t expect to have your website or web page rank high in Google, or show up at all in search engine result pages.

YOU MUST ADAPT to responsive design because if you don’t, you’ll be left behind, forgotten and even removed from the internet.

Is that what you want?


Help search engines not only understand what your page is about, but also understand what your page is saying through a vocabulary of tags they understand, called structured data.

Schema Markup and On-Page SEO Techniques

Will implementing Schema Markup help boost your on-page SEO?

Let us look at the above image and analyze the results which I believe will answer the above questions.

  • The first search result (BuzFind), include a star rating and reviews
  • The second and third search results don’t include rich snippets but instead, they only display the page title and page the meta description which could’ve been added by the authors, or automatically by Google

Now, looking at the above search result image, which link will you click on? The logical answer will be the first one because it offers other important information that will help make a decision as to which SEO company you would hire.


If you own a Joomla website and want to take full control of your on-page SEO elements and improve your ranking in Google search results by implementing a Schema Markup (structured data), then I highly recommend an outstanding Joomla plugin for structured data developed by Tassos Marinos’ Google Structured Data extension for Joomla.


Nobody likes a slow web page and if you’re the exception and have a business website or a blog with pages that take over 2 seconds or forever and do nothing about it, then your prospects or readers will go elsewhere…

To your competition!

If you think that page load time isn’t important when it comes optimizing and marketing your page for users and search engines, then it’s about time you find out about Google making page speed a ranking factor (one of Google’s ranking signal) in its algorithm.

What this should mean to you?…

Even if you’ve optimized every on-page SEO element of every page but forgot to make page speed part of your page optimization techniques, your page might end up taking longer than 3 seconds to load (for desktop users, and even more for mobile users), the time you spent optimizing your page will be in vain.

Plus your chances of having that high quality content achieve top ranking in Google search results will be very slim, if not impossible.

In addition to that, Google might rank your web page and give you a low score after measuring and considering time to first byte (TTFB) which will result in fewer crawled pages and poor indexation.

Google uses a software ‘Googlebot’ to crawl the web and index web pages. If you think Googlebot will crawl and index all your slow pages, then don’t be surprised if you only see 2, possibly 3 pages indexed.

Because there are billions upon billions of pages on the Internet, Google gave its Googlebot a Crawl budget (an allocated time to crawl a web page).

So the longer it takes for your page to load, the poorly design and optimized the page is, the less pages will be crawled and indexed by search engines.

Site Speed and On-Page SEO

Looking at the YSlow Score Tab shown in the screenshot below, you’ll see that the only thing preventing this page from achieving a Grade A (100) is the ‘Add Expires header’ recommendation, which is caused by a 3rd party script hosted on Google’s servers.


We can still improve this page ‘YSlow’ slow score by:

  • Creating a file and copied Google’s Analytics JavaScript information to it
  • Uploading the newly created file to the root directory of our website
  • Setting up a ‘Cron Job’ to automatically update the file on a daily or weekly basis

However, since we know that the below result will not affect our score in a negative way, we decided not to worry about it because we believe that hosting a copy on our root directory will not give the page a huge performance gain anyway.BuzFind YSlow 'Add Expires Header' image

Got a slow page or website?

At BuzFind, we know a thing or two on how to make web pages load faster, improve your page load time and boost customer retention. To learn more about BuzFind’s website speed optimization, click here!


Accessibility is an important part of search engine optimization because when you make the URL easy for humans, you’re making it easier for search engines.

Just because we now know that search engines can handle long and complicated URLs, it doesn’t mean we should not make it easier for them and for our visitors.

Google prefers short URLs because it wants you to focus on user experience and usability first, therefore, we recommend that you do everything you can (whenever possible) to give search engines what they want and one of them is short URLs.

Here are at least two reasons we believe you should have short URLs:

  • Easy to parse which will result on better crawling and page indexability
  • Easy for your readers to share on social media sites

Think of your users first and search engines will reward you!


Search engines can read long and ugly URLs but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t avoid them whenever possible. Again, always think of your readers first and when you do, know that you’ll be rewarded handsomely.

Below is one example of long, SEO unfriendly and ugly URL

SEO Unfriendly URL image

Can you tell what the page is about when looking at the above URL?

There might be URLs that you’ll have no control over such as tracking URLs or the ones inserted by social sharing plugins and that will be okay because they’ll be 1% of all your URLs.


It is a good idea to not only add your targeted keyword in your page URL, but also implement it as early as possible in the URL because doing so will…

  • Make the URL as the anchor text in SERPs, thus can be used to entice would be prospects or readers to click on your link and not your competition
  • Inform your readers, including search engine what the page is about (beside the page title)
  • Used as a link in social media sites when being shared

The below image shows this page’s short URL with our targeted keyword.

SEO Friendly URL image

Remember to use Hyphens ( – ), and not Underscore ( _ ) when writing your URLs


  • Good URL: https://buzfind.com/blog/on-page-seo-techniques
  • Bad URL: https://buzfind.com/blog/on_page_seo_techniques


Page Title tag should be included in your on-page SEO techniques arsenal because it’s the tag that tells search engines what the page is about. Plus, it is that clickable title you see displayed in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Title tag is an important part of your page optimization campaign because:

  • It will improve your ranking when properly written
  • Boost usability

You’ll see some optimal title length recommendations of 50 or 60 characters online, however, I recommend focusing on pixel width instead.

If you need help making that title tag not exceed the desired length, then let me recommend the use of Pixel Width Checker for Page Meta Titles and Description

For this article page title tag, we decided to go with the following;

21 On-Page SEO Techniques for a perfectly optimized page | BuzFind


Having your targeted keyword and as early as possible in the page title tag is another important on-page search engine optimization technique. So when you’re thinking of a title for your page, I recommend you follow the below recommendations:

  • Start your page title with your primary keyword
  • If possible, include your secondary or LSI keyword in the middle
  • If you still have some room, include your brand at the end of the title
  • Make the title enticing so to increase click through from SERPs
  • Stay within 600 pixel width maximum
  • and don’t forget NOT TO Spam your keyword

Again, make your page title tag keyword optimized, short and enticing while being descriptive


Having a high quality and relevant copy is an important on-page optimization technique that can make your page readable, enjoyable, informational so to make readers and visitors come back for more.

It doesn’t matter how much your other on-page elements are optimization if you offer poor quality content to your readers or visitors. In order for your content to be of good quality, it has to:

  • Well structured
  • Well written
  • Convey a message in a clear manner
  • Trustworthy

Well Structured

It doesn’t matter how good and well written your content is if it is not well structured. Good content with headings implemented where they are needed, and short paragraph blocks is even better than having no headings at all and large blocks of paragraph.

Well Written

If you have a business website specific to a niche, I am sure you can write a lot of article about what you offer or sale. You don’t have to be a Charles Dickens or Ernest Hemingway to write a quality copy here.

You don’t need to hire freelancer copy writers to write that copy for you, and maybe you shouldn’t because there is no one better than you when it comes to knowing your business and products/services.

All I am saying is to try to write a copy that is readable, concise with as much details as possible while being yourself.

Clear Message

What do you want to tell your readers? Do you need to talk about the many features your product or service offers? If that is the case, then find a way to convey that information to them without being too technical.

Put your readers first, and not the search engines by making it easy for your readers/prospects to understand your message. And when you do that, search engines will follow suit and reward you for thinking of your audience.


When you continue offering quality content and a clear message, you’ll gain that trust from your readers and search engines. When your content leads to more trust, it will be shared on social media sites like hot cakes.


Throwing keyword in your copy nilly willy is not part of any SEO campaign but creating a good copy and inserting the right keyword, the right amount and in the right place is what makes a page optimized for search engines.

Your main keyword should be inserted as early as possible in your copy in they areas your users and search engine bots normally look for to reassure them that the page they are looking at and reading is the right page they came for from the SERPs.

The page title tag and keyword placed in the right place will help reinforce what the topic is about, thus make sure you give users and search engines what they want and as early as possible because if they can’t find what they came for, they will leave you and go somewhere else.

As far as the keyword ratio, I never bothered because most of my blog content contains 1000 words, or more.


If you are planing to manipulate your site’s ranking by keyword spamming or stuffing, don’t do it for your might regret your short lived high ranking for the rest of your business life.

Think of your users first and avoid making your copy sound and fell unnatural by:

  • Listing your phone number with no substantial value added to the phone number
  • Repeating the same keyword over and over
  • Listing many cities and state you want to target or rank for

To avoid keyword spamming your page, I recommend you do the following:

  • Research your main keyword
  • Look for synonyms of your targeted keyword
  • Depending on how detailed and long your content is, use your main keyword 3 times throughout your copy
  • Sprinkle some synonyms
  • And add some LSI for good measure


I don’t care how well optimized your page content is, without some well structured headings sprinkled here and there, your optimized page might be liked by search engines, but hated by your readers.

You should know by now that Headings (H1 – H6) helps improve your content layout, make it easy to structure your copy for easier read, and so on.

Headings are good guides for your readers because headings help them:

  • Determine what your paragraphs and page are about and know what to expect
  • Decide what to read and not read
  • Easily get back where they left off after being distracted, compared to a very long paragraph block with no headings
  • Improve your on-page SEO techniques through a well written headline, thus boost your page visibility and ranking on SERPs

When it comes adding headings in your content, I recommend that you do the following:

  • H1 Heading – Use only once in your copy, however, if you’re using HTML5 in a complex copy, then you can use more than one H1)
  • H2 Headings – You can use multiple H2 headings in one copy
  • Keyword in your H2 Headings – Write a cook H1 heading using your main keyword
  • Synonyms in your H2 Headings – To avoid keyword spamming, spread some synonyms or secondary keyword in your H2 heading
  • LSI  your H2 Heading – Another great on-page optimization technique is to include some LSI keyword in your heading, thus avoiding keyword spamming
  • Used as an Enticement – Write good and enticing headings while making sure the paragraph(s) below said heading is enforcing the heading above it
  • Following the Hierarchy – You can’t just start with an H1, follow it by an H3, then back to H2, then an H6 and finally, an H5 or two! You have to follow the certain hierarchy when structuring your headings.


  • You don’t have to use every headings (H1 – H6) in your copy
  • You can use H1, then H2, then a couple of H3, then back to H2 to properly structure your copy and make it more readable


If you don’t want your site or page to be penalized by Google, then know that there is more to anchor text than what you think you already know. If getting backlinks matters to you, then you need to know how to write good anchor text, and where to place them.

Before Google released their cute but ferocious Penguin, it was ok to use exact match anchors to either interlink pages within their site, or as their backlinks campaign and it Worked!

But because Google noticed that page quality was dropping, and spammers were using too many unethical ways to boost their ranking, they needed to make a change by releasing Penguin in 2012, which penalized many websites including link-farming sites.

Penguin is still Alive and going stronger each day. If you don’t want to have your page, or your website flagged by Google as a spamming website and be penalized, but instead, improve your page ranking and boost your backlinks, then I recommend using one or a combination of the following types of anchor text by using BuzFind as an example…

Exact Match Anchor Text

Exact match anchor text is a very dangerous baby that can get you penalized if not properly handled. However, when implemented correctly within your copy, an exact match anchor text is the king of all anchor text kings because it can tremendously improve your ranking in SERPs

An example of an exact match anchor text for BuzFind when targeting a city would be something like: “Reading, PA SEO”, or “Berks County SEO”

LSI Anchor Text

Google's Related Searches Option‘LSI’ stands for ‘Latent Semantic Indexing’, but in plain English, it just means ‘A variation of your main targeted keyword’.

Let’s say I am targeting the main keyword ‘SEO Audit’. I could use some of the following LSI keyword:

  • ‘seo audit checklist’
  • ‘seo audit meaning’
  • ‘seo audit example’
  • ‘seo audit service’
  • ‘what is seo audit’

To find LSI keywords for your page content related to the topic you’re writing about, it is quite simple. You can use Google suggest option, or Google Related Searches Option.

Generic Anchor Text

Generic anchor text is just a call to action (CTA) text you add into your copy to instruction your readers or would be prospect to take action such as subscribing to your newsletter, call you or contact you via a contact form.

Generic anchor text is the simplest form of an anchor text, however, don’t be fooled by its power when used properly (see ‘Close Proximity Anchor Text’.

Example of generic anchor text are:

  • ‘click here’
  • ‘contact us’
  • ‘check out this article’
  • ‘subscribe’
  • and so on

Close Proximity Anchor Text

Close proximity anchor text is a text you place in proximity of your targeted keyword using one of the above generic anchor text so to avoid spamming your keyword.

An example of close proximity anchor text is as follow (again, using BuzFind site as an example):

  • Looking for more information about our affordable SEO services for small businesses, click here
  • Contact us to inquire about our affordable small business SEO.

As your can see from the above two example, I am using two different generic anchor text and targeting my main keyword ‘affordable SEO services for small businesses’.

Which one you should use will depend on what you want your readers or potential customers to do. But there is a difference between the two:

  • The first example has the anchor text right after my targeted keyword
  • While the second example has the anchor text before the keyword I want to target. Plus, the keyword in the second example doesn’t is not as within close proximity as in the first example

For me, and due to some testing, I decided to go with the option shown in the first example because the keyword I am targeting is right before the anchor text.

Branded Anchor Text

A branded anchor text is exactly what it means, which is an anchor text that uses your brand. And example of brand anchor text would something like

‘At BuzFind, we make professional SEO services affordable to everyone!’


If you have an exact match domain, let’s say ‘affordable-seo.com’ or ‘affordableseo.com’ and you want to use ‘Affordable SEO’ as your branded anchor text, then be very careful, or risk of being penalized by the Big G, and possibly other major search engines.

That is why I no longer recommend going for exact match domain name, unless you are 100% sure you know what you’re doing, are a skilled SEO professional with many moons of experience.

Partial-Match Anchor Text

You use partial match anchor text when you want to create a variation of your anchor text.

Examples of partial match anchor text targeting ‘SEO’ are as follow:

  • ‘how to SEO your website’
  • ‘SEO optimization tips’
  • ‘SEO tutorial for beginners’

URL Based Anchor Text

The URL based anchor text doesn’t call for a lengthy explanation for it is a very simple, good and easy to implement anchor text when you want to work on your backlinks campaign, or share your content on social media.

Examples of URL based anchor text are as follow:

  • https://buzfind.com/blog/20-tips-to-speed-up-your-website
  • https://buzfind.com/blog/the-hidden-cost-of-cheap-seo-services
  • https://buzfind.com/blog/outsourcing-seo

Branded with Keyword Anchor Text

This is another easy to implement anchor text and I don’t think I need to dwell too much on it due to its simplicity.

Some examples of branded with keyword anchor text is are as follow:

  • ‘BuzFind SEO’
  • ‘Check out BuzFind SEO Audit Services’
  • ‘BuzFind On-Page SEO Techniques’

Long Tail anchor text

Long tail anchor text are the same as partial-match anchor text with the exception that they’re a bit longer.

Example of long tail anchor text using ‘SEO’ as the targeted keyword, are as follow:

  • ‘SEO is paramount to the success of your business’
  • ‘The dangers of hiring an inexperienced SEO freelancer’
  • ‘The hidden cost behind cheap SEO services’

Image Anchor

This is another anchor text that should be easy to implement within your copy by using an image as an anchor text. Note that Google and other major search engine use the image ‘Alt’ tag as an anchor text.

Note that it is important to write a descriptive ‘Alt’ tag for your users and search engines alike, unless you want your image to have something like ‘no text’ for an anchor text.


Internal links are what connect a page to another page within your website through hyperlinks. A properly implemented internal links will improve your site structure and the chances of getting more pages indexed by search engines.

Internal links will help you:

  • Link to other services you can’t fit in your navigational menu
  • Eliminate sub-menus, which are no longer recommended and not part of good mobile friendly design, and inter-link two pages using various types of anchor text (see above)
  • Increase the chances of having more pages crawled and indexed by search engines


No matter how well written your content is and how optimized it is for search engines, your readers might not enjoy reading if no visual elements were included in that high quality copy to make it even more enjoyable to read. Nobody likes to stare at a content that is void of some type of media (images/videos).

You need to add some Pizzaz to your content if you want to make reading a pleasant experience.

However, you just can’t add images without thinking of your users and SEO. There are some basic rules to follow when adding images to your copy, and they are as follow:

  • If you are a graphic designer, create your own image whenever possible instead of using stock photos because you want to be different than others. Plus, I am tired of seeing the same images, with people staring at me on many website
  • Properly name your images using your targeted keyword while making sure you’re not keyword spamming and the images makes sense
  • User Hyphens (-) and not underscores ( _ ) when giving your image a filename
  • For people with screen readers (and search engines), think of using an Alt tag that describe the image

The image used in this article has been optimized for SEO as follow

  • File Name: on-page-seo-techniques.png
  • Image Alt Tag: On-page SEO techniques image
  • Image Title: On-Page SEO techniques for a Perfectly optimized page


Nobody enjoys waiting ages, especially mobile users, for your content and images to load, therefore if you want to improve your page load time and avoid having your readers or would be customer click on their browser’s back button and go to your competition, make sure you optimize every image you include in your post for optimal speed.

So you not only need to think about a good filename for your image, you also have to make sure you reduce the file size of every image before you upload them to your server.

There are many ways to reduce your image file size and keep image quality without having to spend a penny. The tools I often use are:

  • tinypng.com or tinyjpg.com – Just visit the appropriate URL and upload your images, let the tool do its magic and within second, all your images are optimized for improved speed without any quality loss. You can also download your images in bulk if you desire to do so
  • gtmerix.com – This is another great tool that is free to use. What you do here is enter the URL of the page that include the image you want to reduce their file size and hit the ‘Analyze’ button and in less than a minute, you’ll end up with a set of ‘Recommendations’. Scroll down and click the ‘Optimize Images’ heading. If your score is 100%, then it means you’ve done a great job, but if it’s not, then you can click on the ‘Optimized version’ link where you’ll be directed to the optimized image.


Some might say that adding Alt text to your images is only good for your visually impaired users, but not that important for SEO — This is where I totally disagree what that idea.

What is an Alt Text anyway?

Alt text (alternative text) is an HTML code you could use within your image to describe an image you placed on a page to help visually impaired users (using a screen reader), understand what the image is about.

Also, if you have an image on a web page that for some reason is not displaying, or for some reason your browser is blocking the image, the Alt tag of that image will be displayed instead.

Image alt text are good for:

  • Making web page better accessible to visually impaired visitors
  • Boost your image SEO

When you’re ready to write your image Alt text, try to:

  • Describe the image the best way you can
  • Include your Alt text if you’re using an image as a form of a CTA button like ‘contact us’, ‘subscribe now’, or ‘submit’
  • Don’t add ‘image of’ or something similar in your Alt text because search engines already know you Alt text is part of an image
  • Keep your Alt text short due to the character limitation by some screen readers
  • Don’t include your main keyword as a text in the image if you’re not going to use Alt text because search engines can’t read text within images
  • Include your keyword to offer search engines another strong signal that your page is highly relevant to topic and search query — Don’t keyword stuff

Best Image Alt Text Format/Example

Below, I am going to share with you 3 example of an Alt text, Bad, Okay, and Best Alt text

  • Bad Alt text – <img src=”seo-services.png” alt=””
  • Okay Alt text – <img src=”seo-services.png” alt=”SEO Services”
  • Best Alt text – <img src=”affordable-seo-services-small-businesses.png” alt=”Affordable SEO Services for Small Business by BuzFind”, or just “BuzFind’s SEO services for small business”

Check out Moz’s detailed article about the ‘Alt text’


Many stopped or forget to write a good meta description for their page(s), and to be honest, this is a big mistake.

We know that the meta description stopped being a ranking signals some years ago, and because of that, I believe some website owners, and not SEO experts, stopped caring about its use.

Meta Descriptions are actually important, maybe not for your ranking, but click through.

Just as the page title is important, especially when it is used to entice searchers to click on your link on SERPs, meta descriptions can have the same results of bringing visitors and possibly customers to your website, or online business.

It is actually not difficult to write a great meta description that says ‘click me, click me’.

All you have to do is take the time and don’t rush.

The meta description we chose to write for this article is as follow:

21+ On-Page SEO Techniques | Looking for that perfectly optimized web page? Then check out BuzFind’s on-page optimization checklist Now!

As you can see above, we started our meta description;

  • With our primary keyword ‘ 21+ on-page SEO techniques’
  • Then we continued with the ‘perfectly optimization web page’
  • Added ‘on-page optimization checklist’ for good measure
  • And a way to entice click through

We did this because we want those keywords to be highlighted on SERPs. One of them might be highlight, maybe two, or maybe all of them. Time will tell.

Note: I am open to a better meta description.


If you found some great content relevant to yours on other authoritative sites, then share them with your readers, like I did in the ‘Alt text’ section, by inserting an outbound link in your copy.

Doing so with help Google figure out the topic of your page, plus, have your page outrank other pages without outbound links.


Before you take the next step of sharing your awesome article, check for any typos.


Don’t forget to share your great content on social sites even if you believe that social signals won’t help improve your ranking.

Since you want to bring more traffic to your web page, and have your visitors enjoy reading your content, I recommend that you still use social media.

Plus, it won’t hurt your ranking!

Can you implement on-page SEO techniques yourself? Yes you can…

Provided you know what search engines are, how they work and the on-page optimization factors.

Just in case you’ve implemented the above techniques yourself and after a couple months you don’t see the positive results you were expecting and need help, our on page optimization experts are here and ready to help you optimize every page of your website, improve ranking, bring more traffic to your site and increase revenue.


{popfeed}Your Link Text Here{/popfeed}

Sharing is Caring

We hope our ‘on-page SEO techniques‘ will help you optimize every page for Google and other major search engines. We also ask that you kindly share it with your friends and followers on social sites using the below social media buttons.

And while at it, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a note. Thank you!


BuzFind – Your On-Page SEO Optimization Company

Sharing Its On-Page SEO Techniques With You!